Aug 30, 2015

Mozaics of Dead Horse Bay.

Mosaics in the Sand.
I get excited over trips like this, we been talking about it for a while. Whole beach filled with old treasures? Yes, please!
Short ride away, we parked at Floyd Bennett Air Field, and walked across the highway.
Along the trees there is a sign with an arrow that reads "Park Entrance". 
Is there sign pointing to giant mushroom & caterpillar here somewhere? I feel like there is...
We follow sandy road thru the trees, bushes & tall whipping grasses - they wave and whisper in the wind - and soon, view of the bay opens up... Tide is low, just as my travel companion predicted, and we can walk rather far into the bay.
Sea Treasures.

It is filed with all kinds of odd sea treasures - mostly bottles, big or small, broken or whole, some in clear view, some covered in seaweed.

There are some old gorgeous perfume bottles to be found here - I am a little jealous I did not have good eye to find them. Looking around is pretty cool. 
Old Coke & Pepsi Bottles, Clorox glass jars, endless caps, some shoe soles, ceramics, parts of boats and even old iron...
Old Iron.

There is also art scattered throughout the bay, on boxes, trees and boats. It is kinda cool to find graffiti around the beach.
Graffiti on the box.

I get distracted easily by scenery around us, and keep turning around in circles. Oh, look, smiley face!
Happy Ball!
Low tide leaves narrow paths of white clean sand pointing to New York City. Surprisingly, it is super-clean and soft to walk in. Waves wash over it left and right, and you feel like you standing at the end of the world...
Standing at the end of the world.
At the end of the beach, we find old boat and a bench to seat on - and a shortcut to the road. 
Get Da Fuck Outta Brooklyn Boat!
Yep, we are in Brooklyn, New York, for sure!
Here is the proof.
New York, New York!
With all treasures stored safely in my companion's bag, we make our way back to the Floyd Bennett Air Field. Now, this is pretty awesome place on it's own. I feel that it deserve whole separate story - and I promise to come back here soon - but let me just tell you, driving a jeep on open runways, wide and long and straight, is pretty amazing. So as watching model planes take off and land. So. Much. Fun.

Now, get the sand out of your shoes (I swear it gets everywhere!) and drive to Rockaways.

Hidden behind the gas station, there is local treasure called Wharf Bar & Grill. Be warned, service as slow as turtle on lazy sunny day, but sitting on open air terrace, with breeze touching your face, amazing view of bridges, Brooklyn and New York skyline - you can just relax and take it easy. We are not in a hurry. Well, as long as they bring us drinks, of course! 

Fresh clams, HUGE lobster roll (we had to split it in half, and fish tacos (whey more like wraps, actually, and pretty convenient to eat). It was a lot of food. Oh, and sweet potato fries won the day - so good!

I loved sitting there and watching boats go by, sun getting lower on a horizon, and just enjoying great company. 
...Just another fun weekend in New York...
Till next time!

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